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The role that volunteers play in the courts

As part of the courts’ initiative to ensure accessible justice for all, the courts have several programmes to benefit court users who may need support and guidance.

Many of these programmes are supported by court volunteers and many court users have benefitted from the assistance and support provided by court volunteers.

If you have a passion for volunteerism, you can serve as a court volunteer to:

  • Assist in mediating or resolving certain cases heard in the courts.
  • Provide emotional and moral support and make a real difference in the lives of court users.
  • All court volunteer positions are open to Singapore citizens and permanent residents only.

Apply to be a State Courts volunteer

Refer to the following to find out more about the volunteer programmes available in the State Courts and requirements.

Court volunteer mediators at the Community Courts and Tribunals (CCT) mediate community disputes with the aim of reaching a settlement among them.

Eligibility criteria

You must fulfil all the following to be eligible:

How to apply

The current term of appointment for court volunteer mediators is till 31 January 2028.

If you are interested in becoming a court volunteer mediator, you may wish to check this page again for more details on when applications will open or contact the State Courts for more information. 

View the list of court volunteer mediators  (PDF, 98 KB).

Court volunteer mediators at the Court Dispute Resolution Cluster (civil mediation) mediate civil disputes for claims under $60,000.

Eligibility criteria

You must fulfil all the following to be eligible:

  • Be a "Qualified Person" as defined under the Legal Profession Act.
  • Be a member of the Singapore Mediation Centre's Panel of Associate Mediators with at least 3 years of mediation experience or be a Singapore International Mediation Institute Accredited Mediator Level 3.
  • Have at least 3 years of post-qualification legal experience.
  • Be available to conduct at least 3 mediation sessions per year.

How to apply

The current term of appointment for court volunteer mediators is till 31 January 2028.

If you are interested in becoming a court volunteer mediator, you may wish to check this page again for more details on when applications will open or contact the State Courts for more information. 

View the list of court volunteer mediators  (PDF, 98 KB).

Court volunteer mediators at the Court Dispute Resolution Cluster (criminal mediation) mediate cases where a Magistrate's Complaint has been filed. This usually involves minor criminal offences that arise out of a family, social or community context.

Eligibility criteria

You must fulfil all the following to be eligible:

How to apply

The current term of appointment for court volunteer mediators is till 31 January 2028.

If you are interested in becoming a court volunteer mediator, you may wish to check this page again for more details on when applications will open or contact the State Courts for more information. 

View the list of court volunteer mediators  (PDF, 98 KB).

By-invitation volunteers

The State Courts may also appoint legally trained professionals to become volunteers. 

Refer to the following to find out more about these by-invite volunteer positions.

Volunteer tribunal magistrates hear Small Claims Tribunals cases and resolve disputes between parties fairly and justly.

Appointment terms may vary for different tribunal magistrates.

View the list of volunteer tribunal magistrates (PDF, 338 KB).

Currently, there is no recruitment exercise for volunteer tribunal magistrates.   

Justices of the Peace mediate cases where a Magistrate's Complaint has been filed. This usually involves minor criminal offences that arise out of a family, social or community context.

Eligibility criteria

Parties must fulfil all the following to be eligible:

  • Hold an appointment as Justice of the Peace.
  • Be a member of the Singapore Mediation Centre's Panel of Associate Mediators with at least 3 years of mediation experience or be a Singapore International Mediation Institute Accredited Mediator Level 3.
  • Be available to conduct at least 3 mediation sessions per year.

Training and networking opportunities

Refer to Training and networking opportunities for State Courts volunteers to find out about the training workshops and networking sessions the State Courts have organised to promote the growth and development of court volunteer mediators.

Apply to be a Family Justice Courts volunteer

Refer to the following to find out more about the volunteer programmes available in the Family Justice Courts and requirements.

Court volunteer mediators at the Maintenance Mediation Chambers mediate maintenance disputes with the aim of reaching a settlement among them. 

Eligibility criteria

You must fulfil all the following to be eligible:

  • Have at least 1 year of experience at the Consumer Association of SingaporeCommunity Mediation Centre or Singapore Mediation Centre.
    • If you have other similar mediation experiences, the State Courts may consider your application on a case-by-case basis.
  • Successfully completed Strategic Conflict Management for Professionals (Module 1) by the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or have attained at least a Level 1 Accreditation from the Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI).
  • Proficient in Mandarin/Malay/Tamil or any other Singaporean dialect.
  • Be able to commit for 1 year in advance.
  • Be available to conduct at least 12 mediation sessions or 10 cases per year.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview.

How to Apply

If you are interested in becoming a court volunteer mediator, you must submit the application form (DOCX, 42 KB) by 7 April 2025 and send the completed application form to

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