Magistrate's Complaint is an application to a magistrate to examine an alleged offence and give directions for further action.
Anyone who believes that a criminal offence has been committed against them can file a Magistrate's Complaint.
You must first check if your case is eligible, before filing a Magistrate’s Complaint online to the State Courts.
Check if your case is eligible
Find out if your case is eligible and understand what the possible outcomes are.
File the complaint
Submit the application form and supporting documents online. You will get an appointment to see a magistrate, who will decide what happens next.
Follow the magistrate's order
Your case may proceed to mediation, be referred to the police for them to conduct inquiries to ascertain the truth or falsehood of the complaint, proceed to private prosecution or other outcomes. The court may dismiss the complaint if no offence is disclosed or if there is insufficient reason for the complaint to proceed.
Legislation associated with this topic includes: