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Alert-2 Note

This page is for matters that the Rules of Court 2021 apply to. For content relating to matters that the Rules of Court 2014 apply, click here.

If you are uncertain as to which version of the Rules of Court applies to your matter, click here.

About the summons for SAPT


Under the Rules of Court 2021 (ROC 2021), the Court must consider all matters necessary to bring the proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with the Ideals. In order to achieve this, the interlocutory matters have to be streamlined. 

Therefore, the SAPT aims to prevent parties from litigating in a step-by-step fashion and in the process, generating a host of interlocutory applications and appeals. Such an approach increases costs for parties and the time taken before a case is ready for trial. 

As far as possible, the Court must order a SAPT to be made by each of the parties. This means that each party must file one SAPT (and not for all parties to jointly file one SAPT). The SAPT must deal with all matters that are necessary for the case to proceed expeditiously.

For matters heard in the General Division of the High Court, after the SAPTs are filed by the parties, the Court may direct parties to file an SAPT Checklist (Paragraph 56(12)-(13) Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021, Form 8 in Appendix B of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021). The SAPT Checklist is intended for parties to indicate their preferred sequence of the matters set out in the SAPT. The Court will give directions for the SAPT Checklist to be prepared in the following manner: 

  • At the point of filing the SAPT, the party filing the SAPT (“the Applicant”) must complete columns A, B and C of the SAPT Checklist Template and serve it on respondent (“the Respondent”).
  • The parties are to confer on the Applicant’s proposed sequence of the matters to be heard as set out in column C of the SAPT Checklist
  • Where the parties agree on the proposed sequence for the matters to be heard as set out in column C of the SAPT Checklist, the Respondent is to indicate this in column D of the SAPT Checklist
  • Where the Respondent does not agree to the whole or any part of the Applicant’s proposed sequence for the matters to be heard as set out in column C of the SAPT Checklist, the Applicant is to include brief reasons for the Applicant’s position, and the Respondent is to set out in column D of the SAPT Checklist the Respondent’s proposed sequence for the matters to be heard as well as brief reasons for the Respondent’s position. 
  • The Respondent must file the completed SAPT Checklist at least one week before the date of the RCC where the issue of the filing of the SAPT will be discussed, or within such other period as the Court may direct.

The Court will then issue the Court’s Directions on SAPT to inform parties of the sequence of the matters to be heard for the respective SAPTs.

For matters heard in a Magistrate's Court or District Court, directions for the sequence of matters to be heard in respect of a SAPT will generally be given at a Case Conference.

Please file the SAPT as directed (see above).

How to file
You may choose to file the documents personally or through a lawyer. If you are represented by a lawyer, the documents will be filed by your lawyer.

If you are representing yourself, you must file the documents through eLitigation at the LawNet and CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.

You must follow the Rules of Court 2021 and the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021 to prepare your documents before heading down personally to do the filing.

Estimated fees
Refer to the following to find out the possible fees for filing the SAPT. You may also refer to the Fourth Schedule of the Rules of Court 2021 for the full list of court fees.

In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.

Item or service


File a SAPT

$500 for claim value up to $1m and $1000 for claim value more than $1m

File an affidavit in support of the application

$2 per page subject to a minimum fee of $50 per affidavit

After you file
After the SAPT is filed and accepted by the court, you will need to serve the accepted summons on the other party as soon as possible after it is issued.

Please file the SAPT as directed (see above).

How to file

You may choose to file the documents personally or through a lawyer. If you are represented by a lawyer, the documents will be filed by your lawyer.

If you are representing yourself, you must file the documents through eLitigation at the LawNet and CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.

You must follow the Rules of Court 2021 and the State Courts Practice Directions 2021 to prepare your documents before heading down personally to do the filing.

Estimated fees

Refer to the following to find out the possible fees for filing SAPT. You may also refer to the Fourth Schedule of the Rules of Court 2021 for the full list of court fees.

In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.

Item or service


File a SAPT

$50 for Magistrate Court cases
$100 for District Court cases

File an affidavit in support of the application

$1 per page, subject to a minimum fee of $10 per affidavit


Need help?

The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.

Find out more


Legislation associated with this topic includes Order 9 of the Rules of Court 2021.


Alert-2 Note

This page is for matters that the Rules of Court 2021 apply to. For content relating to matters that the Rules of Court 2014 apply, click here.

If you are uncertain as to which version of the Rules of Court applies to your matter, click here.

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