The Family Justice Courts Practice Directions will be amended as follows with effect from 16 September 2021: -
The addition in 1 provide for the requirements in connection with the swearing, signing and attestation of affidavits through a live video or television link for purposes of Rule 653A of the Family Justice Rules.
The amendment in 2 provides for consequential linguistic amendment on effect of non-compliance with the Practice Directions for any affidavit or exhibit filed.
The addition in 3 clarifies that a party incapacitated by reason of insolvency must provide the Official Assignee’s non-objections to the contents of parties’ draft consent order, in particular the proposed terms relating to the division of matrimonial assets and maintenance.
The addition in 4 sets out the timelines expected for submissions for appeals against registrars in the Family Division of the High Court pursuant to Part 18 Division 58 of the Family Justice Rules.
The amendment in 5 clarifies the details to be included in an applicant’s affidavit for Registrar’s empowerment applications.
The amendment in 6 relates to the use of Mobile Infocomm Technology Facilities (“MIT facilities”) for Family Division of the High Court matters conducted at the Supreme Court building.
The amendment in 7 provides for an updated CPF checklist that parties are required to file pursuant to paragraph 116(1)(d) of the Family Justice Courts Practice Directions.