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Apply for practising certificate for the practice year 2025/2026

Applications for a practising certificate for the practice year 2025/2026 (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026) will be received from 1 March 2025. All applications are to be made through eLitigation, or through the Service Bureau if your law practice does not have an eLitigation account.

You are advised to apply for your practising certificate as soon as possible before the end of March 2025. A practising certificate issued in March 2025 will be dated 1 April 2025. A practising certificate issued in April 2025 will be dated with the date of issue but shall be deemed to be in force from the first day of April.

Please refer to the Law Society website for more information on the application process and requirements.

Who must apply

Every solicitor who wishes to act in the capacity of an advocate and solicitor must apply for a practising certificate.

When to apply

For every practice year, every solicitor must apply for a practising certificate before acting in the capacity of an advocate and solicitor. The term "practice year" means the period from 1 April in any calendar year to 31 March in the next calendar year.

Every practising certificate issued will be in force from the date of issue to the end of the practice year, except that a practising certificate issued in April shall be deemed to be in force from 1 April.

You may submit an application to the Registrar for a practising certificate in respect of a practice year no earlier than the month preceding the commencement of the practice year. Therefore, for the practice year 2025 to 2026 commencing 1 April 2025, the application for a practising certificate cannot be submitted before 1 March 2025.

How to apply

You can apply for or renew a practising certificate online through eLitigation.

If you do not have online access to eLitigation, you may:

For more information, refer to:

Request for waiver under Section 50(2) of the Legal Profession Act 1966

Law Society Council Elections 2025


Practitioner members in the Senior, Middle and Junior Categories who had in force a practising certificate on 8 October 2024 (nomination day) are required to vote in the Law Society Council Election on 22 October 2024 (election day).

Under section 50(2) of the Legal Profession Act 1966 (LPA), voting is compulsory and practitioner members who had failed to vote on election day may not be entitled to apply for a practising certificate.

Practitioner members who were not in Singapore on election day, or have a good and sufficient reason for not voting, may seek a waiver under section 50(2)(a) of the LPA (Request) from the registrar and the Request may be made only after election day. 

The Request must to be submitted for the registrar’s consideration before the application for a practising certificate is submitted. 

A Request which is submitted after the application for a practising certificate has been submitted and after the penalty of $500 has been paid will not be considered. 

Find out how to apply.

Estimated fees

The Supreme Court will collect the following fees for applications through eLitigation:

Document fee


Processing fee


Transmission fee


Service fee

  • For Singapore law practices: $4
  • For foreign law practices and concurrent practice: $6

Note: This table does not include the applicable subscription fees, levies, contributions, and other fees and charges payable to the Law Society of Singapore or the Singapore Academy of Law. It also does not include additional fees payable for applications made through the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.


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