Alternative Dispute Resolution Offer – Civil claims (Form 28)

File the Alternative Dispute Resolution Offer if you wish to attend mediation, conciliation, neutral evaluation or other dispute resolution for a Supreme Court civil case. (Form 28 of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2013)

Opening Statement – Neutral evaluation (Form 9K)

Prepare an Opening Statement before attending neutral evaluation for a State Courts civil case. (Form 9K of the State Courts Practice Directions 2014)

Request for Dispute Resolution – Mediation, conciliation, neutral evaluation (Form 7A)

File a Request for Dispute Resolution if you wish to attend mediation, conciliation or neutral evaluation for a State Courts civil case. (Form 7A of the State Courts Practice Directions 2014)

Response to Alternative Dispute Resolution Offer – Civil claims (Form 29)

File the Response to Alternative Dispute Resolution Offer for a Supreme Court civil case. (Form 29 of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2013)

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