In a civil claim, the court may order a party to pay a sum of money to another party. The party who needs to pay the debt is the enforcement respondent, while the party who should receive the money is the enforcement applicant.
If you are the enforcement applicant, you may apply through the Electronic Filing Service for an order to examine the enforcement respondent under oath to find out what assets are available to pay off the debt owed to you. Once you know the nature and extent of the enforcement respondent’s assets, you may then consider and select the most appropriate course of action to enforce the order for payment of money to you.
The enforcement applicant may file a summons to apply for the examination of the enforcement respondent.
When | You may consider filing an application for the examination of enforcement respondent if you are not aware of what assets the enforcement respondent owns and wish to find out (but not limited to) the following:
How | File a summons prepared with reference to Form 41 of Appendix A of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021 or Form 41 of Appendix A2 of the State Courts Practice Directions 2021 (depending on whether it is a Supreme Court case or State Courts case). Where the enforcement respondent is an entity, the appointment of the officer of the entity to be examined must be specifically stated. The summons may be supported with an affidavit which contains the grounds of the application and the judgment against the enforcement respondent which remains unsatisfied. An unsatisfied judgment is a judgment that was made in your favour (for example, an order for the enforcement respondent to pay you $5,000), but which the enforcement respondent has not complied with (for example, the full $5,000 has not been paid yet). You must follow Paragraph 145 of the Supreme Court Practice Directions 2021 or Order 22 Rule 11 of the Rules of Court 2021. You must also comply with Paragraph 100 of the State Courts Practice Directions 2021 (depending on whether it is a Supreme Court case or State Courts case) in preparing your documents. |
Refer to the following to find out the possible fees for filing the documents. You may also refer to the Fourth Schedule of the Rules of Court 2021 for the full list of court fees.
In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.
Item or service | Fees |
File the application in an existing case | $10 |
Extract the Order for Examination of Enforcement Respondent | $25
File a Request to Appoint Date for Examination by an Officer of Court | $50 per request + $50 per witness, per hour
In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.
Refer to the following for the filing fees if your claim is up to $1 million.
In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.
Item or service | Fees |
File the application | $100 |
Extract the Order for Examination of Enforcement Respondent | $100 |
File a Request to Appoint Date for Examination by an Officer of Court |
Refer to the following for the filing fees if your claim is more than $1 million.
In addition to the fees listed in the table, there are also other fees payable to the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau.
Item or service | Fees |
File the application | $200 |
Extract the Order for Examination of Enforcement Respondent | $200 |
File a Request to Appoint Date for Examination by an Officer of Court |
You will be notified of the outcome of your application for the Order for Examination of Judgment Debtor by a Registrar's Direction.
If your application is successful, you will have to:
You will then have to serve the Order for Examination of Enforcement Respondent together with one of the following questionnaires on the enforcement respondent.
If the enforcement respondent is... | You will need to serve... |
An individual |
A body corporate |
The enforcement respondent will have to:
If you are satisfied with their answers to the questionnaire and the supporting documents provided, you may apply for the Order for Examination of Enforcement Respondent to be discharged. Before doing so, you may wish to request the enforcement respondent to provide their answers via an affidavit or statutory declaration.
If you are not satisfied with the answers to the questionnaire and the supporting documents provided, you will have to attend court with the enforcement respondent for an examination hearing at the date and time stated in the Order for Examination of Enforcement Respondent.
Alternatively, the enforcement respondent may also choose to be examined at the hearing instead.
The examination of enforcement respondent hearing will be conducted before a court officer called a deputy registrar (for Magistrate's Court and District Court cases) or an assistant registrar (for General Division of the High Court cases) in chambers.
During the hearing, you or your lawyers (if any) may examine the enforcement respondent in relation to the assets during the hearing. The enforcement respondent has to answer your relevant questions under oath and produce supporting documents when required.
You or your lawyers may also request the enforcement respondent to file an affidavit or statutory declaration if required.
After the examination is completed, you or your lawyers may then apply to discharge the Order of the Examination of Enforcement Respondent.
In general, the enforcement respondent does not have to attend the examination hearing if one of the following happens:
If the enforcement respondent does not attend the examination hearing without valid reasons, you may start committal proceedings against them.
The information here is for general guidance as the courts do not provide legal advice. If you need further help, you may want to get independent legal advice.
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