Annual Report 2022

Developing Our Capabilities

Family Conference And Family Justice Practice Forum 2022
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Held virtually on 13 and 14 September 2022, the Family Conference and Family Justice Practice Forum 2022 were combined for the first time to allow all stakeholders of the family justice ecosystem to come together and share their insights on the latest developments.

Co-organised by the Law Society of Singapore, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and the Family Justice Courts (FJC), the event was aptly themed ‘Essentials for the Journey into New Frontiers’. Participants delved into the family litigation process against the backdrop of recent procedural and substantive law changes.

Justice Choo Han Teck delivered the CJ Koh Lecture on Day 1. He outlined how family law has changed through the ages and reiterated that, ultimately, family law needs to speak to the public “in clear unequivocal language, in a tone that is empathetic and conciliatory”. The Presiding Judge of the FJC, Justice Debbie Ong, delivered the introductory remarks on the next day, setting the stage for two plenary sessions on ‘IT and Other Enablers for Access to Family Justice’ and ‘New Collaborative Projects in the Family Space’.

The combined event was well-attended with more than 400 participants. It drew speakers from the FJC, MSF, Legal Aid Bureau and Community Justice Centre.

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More than 400 participants across the family justice ecosystem tuned in to hear from the likes of Justice Debbie Ong (above).

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